The Spiritual Sides of Water, Chukat
By Margaret Ovonlen
Shabbat Chukat Shalom: Chukat means sets of laws, ordinances, rules and precept. Things we should do and those we should not do. Laws of cause and effects apply here.
The Implications of our actions on us and others are being x- rayed in this portion. The power of our thoughts and speech are the underlying principles here.
Chukat addresses impurity of death. This portion purifies and liberates us from death of all forms-death of relationship, finances, emotional death, and psychological death. Chukat is an antidote for our chaos.
With the Red Heifer, the Creator opens up a new path way and a brand new life for us. We get elevated, our curtain is removed for us to see where we are at and we will be made whole.
WATER FROM THE WELL OF MIRIAM: sometimes we have eye but cannot see.
Until the Creator opens our eyes to see things around us, until then, we are all blind. Our desires are always being met by the Creator but when we focus on lack always, what we get is lack because that is where we are, remember we are what we think about.
In Chukat, it is said that the well of Miriam disappeared when Miriam passed. All that the Israelites saw was lack and that lack got them blinded to Waters of Meriba and because the whole multitude saw lack, lack really escalated and then rebellion sets in.
The well water of Meriba was connected to the 12 holy sites in holy land. The energy of the water was such that it was able to annulled all judgment in their lives. It is only water that washes and takes away evil, evil can not wash water. While in the desert, the well water of Meriba provided them with support system, kindness, blessings, happiness, wisdom, healing and peace etc.
These same gifts are available to us all today through the power of water. Have you ever wondered why water can resuscitated or revive a dying person? The big question is what is in water that gives life? The answer is simple: the lightforce of the Creator. Water is life and it washes away all our judgments.
You need to know that all waters of the world are connected and the quality are the same. We are provided with the same gift of water today.Connect yourself to the Torah reading of this portion, you will be linked with the energy of water and the powr of purification of the Red Heifer, you will be made whole and free from that which is dead in your life and that which impedes your growth. Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov/Happy new month to you all.