‘Shabbat Ignites Power of Clouds, Power of Fire on Genuine Seekers’
By Margaret Ovonlen
Shabbat Shalom, my dearest friends. In rendering the stewardship of the ark constructed, Moshe accounted for everything he was given.
This Shabbat ignites in our lives the power of the clouds by day and the pillars of fire 🔥 by night. Which still exists today but can only be seen by the elevated minded seekers of light.
The tools so provided, ignite the protective shield of Urim and Tumin which are the tools for removing chaos in our lives. Our connection with the holy names of our Creator bring the upper and lower world together. This unity totally transform our purely physical world to a spiritual world of order and tranquility.
This new moon of Adar 2 gives a total renewal or call it a rebirth for those who knows. Remember consciousness is everything and the knowledge of it is the Connection. Each and every one of us – know it or not – have a spark of our Creator in us.
When the light direct you simply follow but when you choose to go your own way, you stray from the light that is when you let in chaos into your life. Connect with the light and you will be one with the Divine.
Your steps will be ordered, your ways will be made whole and you will see like the light sees and will hear like the light hears. Your past, present and future will become one solid whole where there is no fragmentation.
Your life will have more meaning than before and your words will become whole and will dwell amongst you. Every good deed you do to one another, we are creating a Tabernacle for the Creator to dwell in it.
May this new moon of Adar 2 bring you complete renewal and a total rebirth in all areas of your life that is not working. Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov!!!
. Margaret Ovonlen is a member of AMORC Friend on Facebook